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At HHS we cherish all of our donors! 


To see a list of our most recent memorial and honorarium

donations for people and pets, pick up a copy of Sandy Paws

Magazine or download the latest edition!


A lifetime member is never forgotten. Those who contributed

over the years and in the past are the life blood of our

organization. Lifetime members who donated during prior

campaigns helped move our mission forward in the 90’s. 

We are grateful to them as they paved the way for the

members who donated during our most recent campaigns

and continue to support our mission. See our lifetime donors!


Our most recent campaign, Reimagining the Future for Our Community's Animals, helped give us the much-needed building renovations. If you have not visited us in a while, please stop by for a tour! We couldn't have done it without the help of many donors! See our campaign donors!


Some people choose to purchase a brick or paver to honor or memorialize a person or pet. These are placed in our courtyard for all visitors to see. If you have purchased one in the past and would like to find the location of your brick, click here! 

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